SX-70 Repair

From Instant Repair Wiki

Cameras in the SX-70 family are complex machines that can be separated into hundreds of unique components. For ease of navigation, this wiki breaks the SX-70's components into six categories:

components of the SX-70 as separated by this wiki
🔵 Shutter assembly
🟢 Sonar unit
for the SLR 680 and 690, also includes the flash components
🔴 Film door
🟡 Viewfinder assembly
🟣 Outer frame
includes the leather and accessing the internal mechanics
⚫ Internal mechanics
includes everything not included above, including circuity and all internal moving parts

Repair Tools

When SX-70s were originally repaired by Polaroid technicians, they had access to many proprietary tools that are nearly impossible to find today. Much of the camera can be accessed without using these tools (albeit with greater difficulty). Here is a general list of the tools you may need to access many parts of the camera:

  • Screwdriver
    • If you have an early SX-70 model like the Model 1, your camera may have Torx T4 screws.
    • Most models of the SX-70, however, use a proprietary 1mm x 1mm square head screw. Screwdrivers for this size were not commercially available for awhile. Many DIY repair people make their own screwdriver by filing down a slightly larger bit. There are now some small shops offering 1mm x 1mm square bits, and there are some custom-made screwdrivers available for purchase online. The bits are more affordable, as prices for the screwdrivers can be over $100. Using another incorrectly sized screwdriver is not recommended because the screws strip very easily.
    • Where to find 1mm x 1mm Square/Robertson Bits:
1mm square head and screwdriver
  • long thin pointed punch tool (for removing hinge pins)
  • short 90° bent pointed punch tool (for removing hinge pins)
  • plastic prying tool (for removing faceplates)
  • plastic scraper (for removing leather and adhesive)
  • tweezers
  • soldiering iron (for electronic repairs)